1. DNA纳米技术
2. 临床诊断新方法
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,2018-2020
2. 中国博士后面上资助,2018-2019
3. 中国博士后基金特别资助,2019-2020
1 Yang, P.; Li, Y.; Mason, S. D.; Chen, F.;Chen, J*.; Zhou, R.; Liu, J.; Hou, X.; Li, F., Concentric DNA amplifier that streamlines in-solution biorecognition and on-particle biocatalysis.Analytical Chemistry, 2020, 92(4): 3220-3227.
2 Yang, P.; Deng, P.; Du, H.; Hou, X.; Zhang, J.;Chen, J*.; Hou, X.; Zhou, R., Building an anti-interfering DNAzyme-powered micromachine resistant to being inhibited by biological matrices.Chemical Communications, 2020, 56 (17), 2658-2661.
3 Du, H.; Yang, P.; Hou, X.; Zhou, R.; Hou, X.;Chen, J*., Expanding DNA nanomachines functionality through binding-induced DNA outputting for application in clinical diagnosis.Chemical Communications,2019, 55, 3610
4 Zhong, X.; Yang, S.; Yang, P.; Du, H.; Hou, X.;Chen, J*.; Zhou, R., Designing DNAzyme-Powered Nanomachines Simultaneously Responsive to Multiple MicroRNAs.Chemistry – A European Journal, 2018, 24 (71), 19024-19031.
5 Du, H.; Yang, P.; Hou, X.; Hou, X.;Chen, J*., Accelerating DNA nanomotor by branched DNAzyme for ultrasensitive optical detection of thrombin.Microchemical Journal2018, 139, 260-267.
6 Chen, P.; Yang, P.; Zhou, R.; Yang, X.;Chen, J.*; Hou, X., Selective reduction-based, highly sensitive and homogeneous detection of iodide and melamine using chemical vapour generation-atomic fluorescence spectrometry.Chemical Communications2018, 54 (37), 4696-4699.
7 Chen,J.; Zuehlke, A.; Deng,B.; Peng,H.; Hou, X.;, Zhang,H. A target-triggered DNAzyme motor enabling homogeneous, amplified detection of proteins.Anal Chem, 2017, 89(23): 12888-12895.
8 Chen,J.;Deng B, Wu P, Li F, Li XF, Le XC, Zhang H*, Hou X. Amplified binding-induced homogeneous assay through catalytic cycling of analyte for ultrasensitive protein detection.Chemical Communications, 2016, 52(9): 1816-1819.